Meet Phyllis!

NLP Master practitioner, Hypnotherapist,


& Coach

for female entrepreneurs and therapists


A gift for uncovering the potential of others

Phyllis Woodfine has a gift.

She discovered it from an early age, and encouraged by teachers who believed in her, has spent most of her life passing it on to others, most of the time unknowingly.

With a place secured at college for business studies, Phyllis instead opted to work in Local Govern as a Technical Officer in Environmental Health and went on to complete training as a Building Surveyor.

Phyllis’ interest in health and wellbeing began in her teens as a result of sustaining sports related injuries and receiving treatment.  In her early 20’s she had to have a series of surgeries which sparked her interest in women’s’ health and the mindset of coping with unexpected difficulties.  

Phyllis’ aim is now two-fold. To help newly qualified therapists, carve out successful careers through support and supervision and to enable women business owners aged 40 plus to develop the mindset skills they need for success.

An extensive career helping

Knowing she wanted to do more to help others, she signed up to a massage course when she was 30, aromatherapy and reflexology were to follow which eventually led her to rediscover Osteopathy and her next career. Studying at the London School of Osteopathy (LSO), she went part time at the local authority where she was working as a surveyor..

Her ability to inspire and help others was spotted, and after graduating, she was asked to go return and help teach students going through the same degree she’d just completed. She continued to provide student welfare support and teaching and after gaining her PGCE, provided Paediatric tutoring and oversaw the teaching on a Masters degree. 

Phyllis Woodfine - Master NLP Practitioner, Registered Osteopath, Hypnotherapist and Professional Coach

MSc Sports Injury Management, PGCe ACE, BSc (Hons) Ost

Phyllis’ aim is to provide female therapists/ business owners with the mindset skills they need for success.

Proving it’s never too late to learn new skills, Phyllis qualified as a Pilates teacher after turning 40, and took up Tai Chi for health when she turned 52 and went on to qualify as a Master NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist.

Now heading towards her 60’s she’s in her element, using her extensive experience to help those who need it most with group and 1:1 work 

A natural teacher, she is inspirational, loyal and honest. 

Phyllis’ gift is to help others discover their own true potential through moving forward. Just as she has always instinctively done.

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